2025 DRP Timeline

Our 2025 DRP applications are live! For an overview of upcoming events, and tentative events later in the year, check out this page.

Event Timeline:

Early October:
Mentor application forms go live!

Late October:
Mentor applications are due.

October 21:
Mentee application forms go live!

October 28:
Meet the mentors event! Join us 5-7pm in the GSA Lounge.
There will be free food and many mentors - come have fun and discuss math!

November 10:
Mentee applications are due.

Tentative Future Events:

Start of Winter Quarter:
DRP kickoff event for both applicants and mentors! There will be refreshments provided.

Week 1 of Winter Quarter: 
Mentor and mentees should have their first meeting, decide together on a reading topic and choose materials (books, articles, notes, …).

Universal Cover Workshops

February Beyond a Bachelor's, Graduate School Panel:
Join us for a panel with current grad students and faculty and bring any questions you have about grad school and careers in mathematics. 

March Career Panel: 
This panel is comprised of recent UCSB graduates, professors, and knowledgeable sources to discuss paths forward for careers in mathematics. 

3 Week Between-Quarter Break 

April Presenting Mathematics: Making and Presenting a Poster
Join us for a workshop discussing how to make a poster that effectively communicates the mathematics you've engaged in this year.

Spring Quarter, Week 8 
Poster submissions due! 

Spring Quarter, Week 9
Poster session! We will have plenty of food available. All are welcome! 

After the Poster Session
All DRP participants will receive surveys to assess the program.  

The 2024 DRP has concluded!

Expect our 2025 Kickoff Event in late Fall 2024. Pictures from Kickoff 2024 are below.

We hope everyone enjoys summer!